Happy New Year #2022
I say this every year, but I can’t believe we made it to another year! These past two years have been absolutely crazy with wearing a mask every time we leave the house to popping more vitamin pills than ever before. Working from home has become the new norm and it’s been absolutely fantastic in a lot of ways but also very testing. I am truly grateful for all of the milestones I’ve reached and the many check-ins over these trying times. Check-ins from family and friends and also the check-ins I’ve made with myself…
I think to evaluate your life and really sit down and think about the journey we’ve all been on, called Life; we gain a far better understanding and “bigger picture” of where we’re headed and honestly it has never been a clear picture. Not knowing what to expect or where you wish you were heading seems like a scary place to be in, but there certainly is beauty in the known, the urge to discover. I would say that I’m spontaneous but also a little bit of an over-thinker at times. I go with the wind but I tend to be quite hard on myself so it’s a weird kind of balance.
I think it’s important to set goals and resolutions, because it gives you a sense of aim and purpose; not just to achieve them but also to wake up every morning in hopes to get closer to those goals every day. You’ll find that the most difficult goals to obtain become the ones you’re most proud of in the end. I’ve read a few articles where they say it is important to list achievable items on your list so that it doesn’t overwhelm you and defer you from actually trying. A few people have been creating some sort of fail-safe so that if they don’t succeed, it almost doesn’t matter.
Not sure I agree with that mentality because I truly believe that we are capable of achieving so much more than what we can comprehend and it’s those very fail-safe thoughts that offers us room to fail. Like we don’t really believe that we can do it, so if we fail, we’d have been correct in assuming that it was impossible to begin with? That’s like setting yourself up for failure! Look, I’m not saying we are going to achieve and succeed at everything we want to, but we absolutely can try our level best to do so! We have to be willing to fail to get closer to our goals and dreams.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’d know that I chase the adventure. My biggest goal in life is to find the secret of truly living life to the fullest and though many times I fail, I do achieve a lot and sometimes surprise myself and just what I am capable of. I used to have this incredible fear of failure, where I was too afraid to actually try something because I did not want to feel that disappointment of failing at something I put effort into.
But I’ve learnt that by trying and failing, it means that I am growing and learning things I’ve never known before and that is kinda beautiful. I feel proud of myself that I am able to change a mindset that I’ve known my whole life. This year, for the first time in almost two decades, I’ve decided to study for a degree! I am more terrified than I care to elaborate. I was one of those kids who never studied, I used to read the night before a big test but usually paid decent attention in class and if something made sense to me, it just stuck. I used to think that if I had made more effort to actually study in matric, I could have done so much more in life and thankfully I’ve never failed a grade but I think I could have done so much more. University was a totally different situation.
I opted to study Graphic Design after school but it was more for the idea of creating. In all honesty, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life at that point. All I wanted at 17years old was to be an actress, start a band or become a professional skate-boarder but none of those sat well with my folks. I needed a bursary if I was going to study and there was an offer for a bursary but I had to apply to a set course at the university to pick up a dozen more classes as I had zero experience in design and art as these were not offered at my school.
I went to university for about two semesters and I just couldn’t get the hang of it. My motivation and dedication to the syllabus made it hard for me to concentrate and really give it a hundred percent. I later dropped out and my mom agreed to find me an agent for modelling and acting. Keeping in mind that I’m a shorty, I was in a few local TV shows and was asked to do a few commercials but apart from the inconsistencies of the bookings and the objections I had due to my belief system, the industry was not going to be a sustainable career for me. Unfortunately.
I was back at square one and absolutely lost as to what I wanted to do. To cut a long story short, I started working shortly after that and built myself up to where I have done a dozen courses and online certificates but for the first time in my life I am going for a three year degree! I want to believe that I can do this and I am so grateful for the opportunities the company offers me but I am so scared. However, I believe that obtaining a degree would open doors for me that I have always been eager to open, but too afraid to actually take the hard, long road to it. Until now that is.
All I can do is pray and give it my all because what more can we give, than our best?
I am going through some of my old Bucket List items and looking at adding a few more too but the aim is to start planning more consciously on completing them. I have been working on an incredible tool to help plan and execute the list more effectively and I am excited for the day I get share it with all of you. I reckon it will be a few more weeks until then but it is less of a resolution tool and more of a Bucket List tool to help motivate you and get you to the best version of yourself. No more carrying over your goals year after year and not living your best life.
Setting goals and aiming for obtainable milestones is definitely going to help you achieve the bigger ones in due time and remember that no matter how it goes, the fact that you’re starting is already an achievement! Stop making excuses and just go for it. We need to rid our minds from the idea that “One Day” is going to happen where everything aligns perfectly in your life and you’ll be able to do everything and get more into the mindset that today can be the day you start. Age is not usually the kindest friend so rather sooner than later.
Life is short, and we have many more opportunities in our youth than we do in our senior years. But life is also long, so living a life you are not excited about or that you don’t absolutely love, is not worthwhile. Get yourself motivated and start with the smaller goals first and build up to the bigger ones. Trust me, you going to feel a sense of fulfilment when you step out of your comfort zone and start this journey!
All the best! Go out there and KICK ASS!!! Make 2022 your best year ever because how this year goes and the outputs you have at the end of it starts with your inputs and what you’re willing to give.
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