Travelling with my sister for the first time overseas
2019 was a big year to check a bunch of new things off my Bucket List, and after creating a video reel of My Year 2019, I am reflecting on some of the incredible moments I will forever cherish.
One of the highlights includes spending a ton more time with my best friend and sister, Nadia. We have been inseparable throughout our lives, and we’ve done pretty much everything together since we were kids.
Life has a way of steering its own way and somehow we have never experienced an international trip together, until this year. We went on a desert safari in the blistering sand dunes of Dubai and then we went on a tropical jam-packed adventure over a 10-day trip in Thailand.
We chose the dates in January and the trip finally happened over our birthdays in August-September. Nadia was born on 28 August and I was beamed to Earth on 09 September. We grew up as twins and having to enjoy our birthdays in foreign lands has been truly a gift! I pray that we will always be as close as we are.
It was truly one of the highlights of my year because we have made tons of new memories for the books and done something new with each other. We always try to experience new things because they say it makes your bond so much deeper and I truly believe that.
I cannot imagine life without having a sister… or a sibling. It’s like the Universe conspired for us to be BFF’s before we even knew what that meant. I love every moment of growing up with a best friend by my side. So many people ask us if we ever argue or fight, and YES! we do!
But the truth is, it hurts us more if the other one is hurting or upset, especially because of us…so we makeup quickly and the trick is never to go to bed angry. It’s been somewhat of a rule in our family since we were little and it’s worked out pretty well all of these years.
I believe that everything we have in life has come about due to the choices we’ve made along the way. Whether it is to be the least and apologise even when you’re not wrong, or whether that means to cut people out of your life, we choose the paths to take, regardless of how hard each choice is.
One of the hardest choices in life is to put your pride aside and save a relationship or to show care even when angry… and sometimes those little acts or those difficult steps makes the hugest differences in our lives.
The best choice we’ve made is that we will always choose each other first. We chose to make every effort to remain close no matter how testing life gets. We never minded the friends who tried to tear us apart or the guys who couldn’t understand our bond who tried to get between us. We remained strong throughout every trial and every time our lives were not relatable to each other. We learnt to get through the awkward phases growing up with friends and starting to understand ourselves better.
We went through a phase where I was a parrot and wanted to do everything Nadia did, so growing into my own was somewhat of a challenge for both of us. It was also challenging growing through adulthood and learning to not completely depend on each other for solitude and everything in between.
Going through life with her has been a true gift for me, and I truly cherish our bond so much. I hope that we will always be this way, I.A.
I am so grateful for the moments that brought me here. Grateful for the bonds I chose to build and the ones I allowed to elude me. The moment you are able to realise what to keep and what to lose…is the moment you will find peace.
Hope that you all have a special human in your lives, that cherishes you and makes you feel whole, like Nadia does for me.
Ps. If you don’t, find some… make them realise how important they are to you and how much better they make Living! Cherish the people in your life and allow them in. I sometimes struggle with doing just that, but it is important for you to have someone in your corner.
Love openly and freely, even if it’s hard.
Love hard and truly, even if it’s not returned.
Give love, and care to everyone you comes across.
Create memories.
Simply, LIVE.
Love Madly.
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